Spring Lake Heights Police Department produces large quantities of police reports and records each year. These include accident reports, arrest reports, incident reports, summonses, computer aided dispatch records, and other information.

All records requests will be handled by the Spring Lake Heights Police Department Records Division and will be done so in a timely and efficient manner. Records can be obtained in-person during the hours of 9am to 4pm Monday through Friday or via submission to [email protected]. No reports will be processed via facsimile. The following is the most common list of record requests;

All requests for police records are governed by the New Jersey Open Public Records Act or commonly called OPRA (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq). A link the OPRA request form can be found below which can be printed it at home, completed and returned it in person to police headquarters or scanned and returned via e-mail to [email protected]. All requests will be answered within 7 business days. For further information contact the records officer at [email protected]. OPRA request forms may also be obtained at borough hall during regular business hours or at the police department service window. Please note that when you receive your request some portions may “blacked out” or redacted due to sensitive personal identifier information. Some examples of redacted information include but are not limited to social security number, phone number, date of birth, and driver’s license number. If the record is not currently available or in storage, the Records Custodian will advise you within 7 business days when the record will be made available, or may deny your request at that time for a stated reason.

If you are denied a request, you have the right to appeal. For additional information on OPRA please visit the Government Records Council at http://www.state.nj.us/grc for more information.


Arrests, Traffic Complaints, Criminal Complaints, DWI, etc… are only available to a defendant via their attorney through the “Discovery Process”. The attorney for the defendant will need to send the request on letterhead to [email protected].

For additional Police Records (REQUESTS) and Discovery information contact:

Lieutenant Travis Ventimiglia
Records Supervisor
(732) 449 – 6161 (ext. 4925)
[email protected]


SLHPD OPRA Request Form

New Jersey Government Records Council

Alcotest Discovery